Corporate strategy, values and vision
Organisation and change management
Transformation and project management
Digital Lean - the path to Industry 4.0
conmotion: a strong team of experienced consultants and project managers
As experienced professionals, we bring the know-how to create long-term change for our clients. We are not typical "management" consultants. We offer sector- and discipline-specific knowledge and expertise, which enhances our scope of influence/action and helps us to safely shape the future for our clients.
Dirk Brakemeier, as a creative mind and consultant, stands for trustful interaction and goal-oriented project implementation. As an industrial engineer, he likes to pursue new and creative approaches to solutions in a collegial environment. The well-being of the customer is always in the foreground. You can find out more on Linkedin.
successfully delivered projects
years of experience in consultancy
worldwide satisfied customers
Knowing the actual situation, clearly formulating the goal and having a clear view of the environment is crucial for every successful transformation. We provide orientation.
any road will get you there.
If you don‘t know where you are starting from,
a map won’t help you.'

Understanding change as an opportunity is the basis for future success. Shape your change plans with us, both in terms of strategic orientation and operational implementation.
We rely on a combination of change management and organisational changes to raise awareness and ensure sustainability in the organisation.

Strategy development and organisational design
In workshops, we work with you to develop an interlocking corporate orientation with the elements of vision, mission, strategy and values, which lead to concrete fields of action and an implementation plan.
Depending on your business model, we develop a future-oriented organisational model. We define main business processes and adapt the organisational structure accordingly. In doing so, we pay particular attention to the three aspects: Process organisation, project organisations and agile structures.
Business transformation
In this building block, we focus on optimising value creation processes and introducing lean processes. The dovetailing of lean management with the possibilities of digitalisation forms the core of our work level.
We ensure a coordinated digitalisation path (Industry 4.0) and immediately incorporate corresponding tools into our process optimisation.
We achieve sustainability through accompanying change management and the use of open communication, as well as by strengthening self-organisation in the teams.
Project management
This is where we come in. We carry out projects professionally, bring projects back on track and accompany you in the development of project management skills.
Depending on the task, this is done with traditional project management methods or with agile project management. In IT projects, we increasingly use the Scrum approach to create solution elements quickly and controllably.
Our roles in the project
Trusted Advisor, Coach
Consultant, Expert
Project Manager
Implementation support
Project references
Should Costing with XIONA by conmotion
Cost advantages through supplier development based on common cost structure models and creation of a better negotiating position
Rapid availability of comparative costs through portal technology; immediate comparative costs for renegotiations as well as identification of cost-influencing parameters
Organisation and governance
Knowledge building among employees, transparency of decisions as well as early involvement of purchasing in award decisions

Customer testimonials
I work with the conmotion team in the areas of corporate strategy, product analysis and project management. I find the committed and methodically structured approach, in addition to the flexibility shown, particularly valuable for our company.
The conmotion team around Dirk Brakemeier supported us intensively in setting up a global quality management organisation. I was particularly impressed by the structured and at the same time pragmatic approach.
I also greatly appreciated the creative problem-solving approaches and the comprehensive thinking, especially in the area of Industry 4.0.
In 2018 and 2019 Dirk supported the KWS transition project in setting up new guidelines and designs for the new established central led procurement organization. At the beginning he took over the role as consultant and in the second phase as interim manager, heading a team of category managers for direct procurement.
With his in depth knowledge in combination with his social skills he achieved great support for the new organization by all stakeholders and delivered tangible functional benefits.
The conmotion team around Dirk Brakemeier has supported us in various transformation projects. These included the alignment of the corporate strategy and the optimisation of order management and production.
I, as well as our team, found the cooperation extremely positive and we were impressed by the commitment as well as the range of support from strategy to operational implementation.
I know Dirk and team for several years where we worked closely together on projects in the areas of procurement and supply chain management, ranging from global organizational design of procurement, implementation of seamless purchase-to-pay processes to supplier development strategies and initiatives.
I like the down to earth and pragmatic working style and the portfolio of experience and insight, this enabled us to close the gap between strategic concepts and operational execution.
Impressions from our in-house exhibition
The main topics are: Project management and supply chain management.
The contents of the presentations were documented in parallel as business graphics.